Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Schwipple Family Christmas

The tree lights shone in the Schwipple house.

Once again Winston had done his job well. Perfectly spaced bulbs twinkled on the freshly cut balsam tree. Beatrice and the kids, Billy, Tiffany and little Joey, nicknamed "Band-Aid" because of his ability to always hurt himself, had spent the last three hours decorating the tree with the family-treasured ornaments.

"Look Mom. Here's the one from our trip to Tennessee", exclaimed Tiffany. "Remember that trip?", she asked.

That was one of their last family vacations. The economy had hit them hard. Winston's company, Schwipple, Inc., had faced unheard of losses this year. People just weren't buying Schwipps the way they used to.

"Yes, Tiffany, that was a wonderful time", said Beatrice, looking at all the empty space beneath the tree. How are going to get presents for the kids this year, she mused to herself. There just isn't enough money to go around.

Jingle Bells was finishing on the radio and a commercial began.

"Yes, we believe in Christmas and want you to also. Now you can help Samta Claus bring joy to your family. Stop in at your local Wal-Mart and watch your dollars stretch to brighten your holidays."

Samta Claus, thought Winston. Boy, things had changed since Wal-Mart had replaced the old Santa Claus with their new character. Samta Claus was dressed in a 3-piece, pin-striped suit instead of the traditional red suit that Santa had worn and now sat in a huge executive's chair behind a big desk. No more lap time for the kids. Just step up to the desk and leave your list in the "In" box.

"Mom? What do you think Samta will bring this year? I really want a 10 speed bike," said Billy.

Well, dear, don't get your hopes up. It's been a pretty bad year for his elves," replied Beatrice.

Once more the radio blared, "And we have a special gift for all of you. Samta has decided to give everyone a special 3.5% discount this year!"

Winston and Beatrice exchanged glances. They both had the same thought. "We could get Billy a 10 speed bicycle hot wheel now."

"Beatrice, did you see the letter I got from my brother, Chadsworth? His company closed last week and I guess they didn't offer any kind of retirement or severance package to their employees. Apparently they had lowered their prices as far as they could to compete with Wal-Mart and just ended up losing the whole company. All the employees were let go," said Winston.

"So what's he going to do?"

"He's coming to live with us for a while"

"With his 7 kids?"

"And Francine and the 3 German Shepherds."

"For how long?"

"Until the economy turns around. The Dow is still at 400 pts. The only place making money is Wal-Mart and the Walton family. And, of course, they're privately held so they aren't traded on Wall Street. That means they get to keep all the profits."

"Well, thank goodness people are still buying Schwipps," said Beatrice.

"But for how long?" finished Winston

(To be continued)

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