Today was a diamond day.
Wal-Mart announced today that it will begin selling caskets, effectively reducing the price by about $1,000 from funeral home pricing. Another consumer win. Under consideration is the offer of 100 free prayer cards with a detachable coupon for 20% off the price of graveyard Styrofoam crosses with attached plastic flowers. Only 10% on plain crosses.
Milwaukee County Executive, Scott Walker, announced his budget for next year which included the layoff of up to 200 workers. County Supervisors revolted and said money could be saved in other areas, protecting those jobs. One of their ideas was taking $2,000 out of each of their office budgets for newsletters. Remember, the taxpayer is paying for this "benefit" which "keeps us in touch with our elected officials".
Anyone thinking that these should be considered campaign material is wrong. Because we wouldn't want our tax dollars to go for that.

This driver apparently didn't get the message. Let's hope the pedestrian made it across in time.
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